From The Writers Eye

Welcome to the initial posting of my new blog, From The Writers Eye. I will be writing on well… writing and the everyday life of a working artist. I have been living on only my writing since November of 2008. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been fulfilling.

A little about myself. I am a second generation American born in Laredo, Texas. My father was a teacher and worked in that field in one way or another his entire career and my mother was in the insurance business her entire career. Both have since passed on, but both played their role in my later career as a writer.

My ancestory includes some very famous people of the 14th and 15th centuries to include Statesman, Historian, Poet, Chronicler, Chancellor and Courtier Don Pedro Lopez de Ayala. Don Pedro was also a warrior, fighting next to King Henry at the Battle of Najera, and was captured by The Black Prince. He was released in 1378. That story would later pop up in my first novel.

My creativity was sparked in Jr. High school, Mark Twain to be exact, and it was sparked by Ms. Brenda Foley, a young, energetic teacher who really cared about her students. I dedicated my first book to her. Recently, after releasing my second novel of the Solomon Chronicles Series, Revisions, she sent me an email and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I shared some of it.

I downloaded your book and look forward to reading the sequel to SC. You have tapped into your creativity and are generating music, words, and films. You are amazing.”

An amazing feeling after reading that, I can tell you.

Since November of 2008, and sometimes with my business/writing partner, musician Michael Guerra, my company, DB Media Entertainment has

  • held a music festival which included four Grammy Award winning acts

  • released two novels

  • was a part of the debut record for The Michael Guerra Band

  • written, produced and or directed five films

  • opened D.R. Pedraza Music Publishing under BMI

Not bad for a guy who got through two years of college. To this day, I cannot explain how these stories come to me. How they play like movies in my head and how the urge to get them out and on paper grew through the years.

I will use this blog to espouse on writing in general and updates on The Solomon Chronicles.

Thanks for stopping by!

About pedrazainsa

D.R. Pedraza Occupation: Novelist, screenwriter, producer, actor, Songwriter, Producer, Director, Manager, Show Runner Genres: drama, historical fiction, fantasy
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1 Response to From The Writers Eye

  1. Susan M says:

    Excellent advice. You’re just that talented!

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